Description of the company

Forbo Movement is an international company operating in 36 countries and a leader in the production of conveyor belts for food, paper, energy and heavy industries, services, logistics, airports or sports. Forbo has been operating in Slovakia since 2004 and already employs 340 people. Our focus is not only on quality in production, but we also strive to create values and standards in the creation of working conditions for the satisfaction of our people.
The Movement Systems division is a global industry leader for the supply of high quality conveyor and processing belts as well as plastic modular belts, drive belts, timing belts and flat belts made of synthetic materials. They are used in many ways, not only in manufacturing but also in the sales and service sectors, e.g. as conveyor and processing belts in the food industry, as tread belts in fitness studios, or as flat belts in letter sorting systems.

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