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Quality Planner
Place of work
ZF Slovakia, a.s. ul. Zeppelina 1, 934 01 Levice
ZF Slovakia, a.s. ul. Zeppelina 1, 934 01 Levice
Contract type
Wage (gross)
1 894 EUR/monthMonthly wage minimum from 1 894 € (including basic wage component, bonuses and premiums). The salary depends on the qualifications and experience of the candidate.
1 894 EUR/monthMonthly wage minimum from 1 894 € (including basic wage component, bonuses and premiums). The salary depends on the qualifications and experience of the candidate.
Information about the position
Job description, responsibilities and duties
Customer service - communication and monitoring of customer satisfaction issues
Claim management - 0 km claims, coordination of problem solving process
Participation on APQP activities for the new and change management projects and preparation of initial sampling reports (PPAP/ISIR etc.)
Participation on internal and external audits of production processes and quality assurance systems
Support reporting activities on quality assurance department
Claim management - 0 km claims, coordination of problem solving process
Participation on APQP activities for the new and change management projects and preparation of initial sampling reports (PPAP/ISIR etc.)
Participation on internal and external audits of production processes and quality assurance systems
Support reporting activities on quality assurance department
Employee perks, benefits
- an interesting remuneration system with a wide range of
- surcharge for transportation
- 13th salary
- 14th salary
- loyalty bonus
- job jubilee bonus
- DDS up to 6% of the employers contribution
- additional extra fees
- superior medical examinations
- significant staff subsidy
- professional training
- account of working time
- offer of holiday stays for employees
* base salary according to §62 ods. 2 Zákona č. 5/2004 Z. z. o službách zamestnanosti v znení neskorších predpisov: from 1 460 €.
Information about the selection process
Requirements for the employee
Candidates with education suit the position
Secondary with school-leaving examination
University education (Bachelor's degree)
University education (Master's degree)
University education (Bachelor's degree)
University education (Master's degree)
Educational Specialization
technical education, quality field or machine engineering field preferred
Language skills
English - Upper intermediate (B2)
Driving licence
Experience in the position/sector
The position is suitable for a fresh graduate
Personality requirements and skills
English language on communication level (pre or upper intermediate)
Experiences in quality area of automotive industry is advantage
Fundamental PC skills (MS Office pack)
Willing to learn and team oriented approach
Communicative, able to plan and coordinated tasks
Experiences in quality area of automotive industry is advantage
Fundamental PC skills (MS Office pack)
Willing to learn and team oriented approach
Communicative, able to plan and coordinated tasks
Brief description of the company
Koncern ZF je celosvetovo tretím najväčším dodávateľom pre automobilový priemysel. Spoločnosť ZF Slovakia patrí medzi najväčších a najstabilnejších zamestnávateľov. Na Slovensku pôsobí koncern od roku 1993 a dnes zamestnáva viac ako 3000 zamestnancov.
Výroba v závode Trnava: spojky, dvojhmotové zotrvačníky, meniče krútiacehio momentu.
Výroba v závode Levice: moduly hnacieho ústrojenstva, technológie tlmenia, podvozkové komponenty.
Výroba v závode Šahy: technológie tlmenia
Výroba v závode Detva: podvozkové komponenty
Výroba v závode Komárno: spojky
ZF Slovakia, a.s., Prevádzková jednotka Podvozkové komponenty, závod Levice
Výroba v závode Trnava: spojky, dvojhmotové zotrvačníky, meniče krútiacehio momentu.
Výroba v závode Levice: moduly hnacieho ústrojenstva, technológie tlmenia, podvozkové komponenty.
Výroba v závode Šahy: technológie tlmenia
Výroba v závode Detva: podvozkové komponenty
Výroba v závode Komárno: spojky
ZF Slovakia, a.s., Prevádzková jednotka Podvozkové komponenty, závod Levice
Levický závod, ktorý je súčasťou Prevádzkovej jednotky Podvozkové komponenty, zahájil svoju výrobu v roku 2008 a v súčasnosti zamestnáva 370 zamestnancov.
Závod je zameraný na výrobu guľových kĺbov a stabilizátorových tyčí za použitia technológií obrábania, zvárania a montáže.
Závod má široký okruh zákazníkov lokalizovaných vo viac ako 70-tich závodoch na celom svete. Medzi kľúčových patria automobilky VW, General Motors, Ford, PSA, Fiat a Renault.
Number of employees
1000 and more employees
ID: 4940807
Dátum zverejnenia: 14.10.2024
lokalita: Levice Pozícia: Quality Engineer Spoločnosť: ZF
Pracovná ponuka je prevzatá z inej stránky alebo zdroja.
Základná zložka mzdy (brutto): 1 894 EUR/month