Process Designer / Product Owner

The Spot

Place of work
Contract type
full-time, trade licence
Start date
Upon agreement
Wage (gross)
2 000 - 3 500 EUR/monthDepends on previous experiences.

Information about the position

Job description, responsibilities and duties

We are looking for a Process Designer for our Finance department to help us analyze existing processes and find ways to automate them. You don't need to have a financial background but you have to be a techie!

In your new position, you will:

- Work under our CFO and work closely with the finance team members.
- Analyze and understand current workflows in the department, understand the needs driving them, and find ways to simplify them, and make them more robust and effective.
- Implement new processes, and formalize old ones.
- Research existing tech solutions that would allow us to automate some processes away.
- Work closely with our in-house engineering team to implement custom IT solutions.
- You will have direct access to our board of directors which will be great learning & career opportunity.

After observing the invoice lifecycle within the department, you gather the following observations:
The process is very manual. Every single invoice needs to be typed into the system and this takes a lot of time.

People don’t get feedback on the invoices they’ve sent and need to manually follow up to get confirmation that payment has been sent.
There is a duplication of efforts among our internal team and our outsourced accountants, as some of the values are processed manually twice.

You analyze our options and come up with a solution that involves: migrating to a more flexible accounting system, integrating ZenDesk with our invoicing system to keep people notified of outgoing payments, and using Datamolino for invoices OCR. You oversee the whole implementation and three months later, when the new system is tested and deployed, you celebrate saving hundreds of hours of manual work.

Employee perks, benefits

- Free lunch & all-day catering
- Unlimited paid sick days
- Flexible working hours, and you can work from home
- In-house events and company retreats are family-friendly
- Unpaid time off and sabbatical leave are open options
- Relax in chill-out zones with games, books and comfy couches

Requirements for the employee

Candidates with education suit the position

University education (Bachelor's degree)
University education (Master's degree)

Language skills

English - Upper intermediate (B2)

Personality requirements and skills

- You are an analytical type who look at processes as algorithms executed by humans. You have a strong common sense and always ask the question Why? Often, you don’t improve the processes, you just eliminate them.
- You can empathise with users. You don’t think only about making our systems and processes simpler and faster, you always strive to make them user friendly for the people we serve.
- You are techie. You can research right IT solutions, you can set them up, play with them, and don’t get distracted by steep learning curves.
- You can prioritize. It doesn’t make much sense to optimize a process which takes 1% of total effort, while leaving lots of low hanging fruit in other workflows that make more than 60% of total effort.
- You can think out of the box. Optimizing workflows within the existing framework of goals and requirements is a good start. But, sometimes, you can achieve much more if you rethink the assignment entirely. You’re not afraid of doing so.


Brief description of the company

O Vacuum Group

Sme tím zanietených podnikateľov ktorí veria, že nič nie je nemožné. Naším cieľom je posunúť ľudstvo vpred zlepšením prístupu ku kapitálu, spravodlivosti a k zdravotnej starostlivosti. Zisk považujeme za palivo na dosiahnutie sociálneho vplyvu. Sme odhodlaní využiť talent a zdroje na poháňanie inovačného ekosystému v strednej a východnej Európe aj mimo nej. Naším zakladajúcim členom a najväčšou portfóliovou spoločnosťou je fintech softvérový dom Vacuumlabs

Sme priekopníkmi špičkových riešení v oblasti fintech, legaltech, krypto, healthtech a ďalších, ktoré ešte len prídu. Naše portfólio tvoria rýchlo rastúce spoločnosti a naša komunita sa neustále rozširuje. Snažíme sa stať hlavnou gravitačnou silou pre top talenty v regióne strednej a východnej Európy a inšpirovať svojou prácou ďalšie spoločnosti.
ID: 4071702  Dátum zverejnenia: 28.5.2021  Základná zložka mzdy (brutto): 2 000 EUR/month