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Senior Quality Assurance Engineer
Remote work

Place of work
Remote work

Contract type

Start date
Popis pracovnej pozície
What is in there for you?- In collaboration with product owner and other agile team members you will refine requirements, which bring benefit for the customer and create user stories which include all test aspects to deliver good quality based on security and compliance conditions.
- You will be accountable for tests automation in Cypress tool
- You will ensure that tests are an integral part of a delivery pipeline and ensure high degree of automation
- You will monitor existing quality issues and ensure that they are resolved based on priority and in due time.
- We support you in your further career and certification.
Čo ti ponúkame
2 500 EUR/monthSalary from 2 500 EUR, including 13th and 14th salary.
- Thanks to flexible working hours, at UNIQA GSC, you can arrange your day to suit your needs.
- For new colleagues, we have prepared a comprehensive welcome package.
- Every employee receives a daily meal allowance of € 8,30.
- We offer language courses in German and English , along with a diverse range of vocational training opportunities.
- A 13th and 14th salary is guaranteed for all UNIQA GSC employees.
- We contribute to the third pillar of the supplementary pension savings and also provide accident insurance coverage for our employees.
- We regularly organize events for employees such as Christmas parties, summer celebrations, sports days and more.
- If you are a sports enthusiast, you will certainly appreciate the Multisport card we offer.
Si ten správny kandidát?
Candidates with education suit the position
University education (Bachelor's degree)
University education (Master's degree)
Postgraduate (Doctorate)
University education (Master's degree)
Postgraduate (Doctorate)
Language skills
English - Upper intermediate (B2)
Personality requirements and skills
Must have
• 3 years of previous experience as Quality Assurance Engineer or similar field experience
• Experience with Cypress and Javascript
• Experience with webservice testing
• Experience with Gitlab or other repository tools
• Practical knowledge of SDLC, test automation processes and quality assurance principles
• Experience of working in Agile environment
• Practical knowledge of SW testing methodology and types of testing and different types of tests ( UAT, functional, non-functional, regression, smoke, etc )
• Fluent English (B2)
Nice to have
• CI/CD tools (Gitlab CI)
• previous experience with API testing
• ISTQB foundation level certification
• hands-on experience with Angular or TypeScript
• 3 years of previous experience as Quality Assurance Engineer or similar field experience
• Experience with Cypress and Javascript
• Experience with webservice testing
• Experience with Gitlab or other repository tools
• Practical knowledge of SDLC, test automation processes and quality assurance principles
• Experience of working in Agile environment
• Practical knowledge of SW testing methodology and types of testing and different types of tests ( UAT, functional, non-functional, regression, smoke, etc )
• Fluent English (B2)
Nice to have
• CI/CD tools (Gitlab CI)
• previous experience with API testing
• ISTQB foundation level certification
• hands-on experience with Angular or TypeScript
UNIQA Group Service Center Slovakia, spol. s r.o.UNIQA Group Service Center Slovakia, spol. s r.o., je dcérskou spoločnosťou rakúskeho poisťovacieho koncernu UNIQA Group Austria. Firma sa člení na úseky Software Service (SWS), Cross-Border Service (CBS) a Back Office Service (BOS).
Prioritnou činnosťou úseku SWS je vývoj a údržba softvéru pre komerčné poisťovne patriace do skupiny UNIQA. Koncentruje sa najmä na systém INAS, ktorý je určený pre správu portfólia poistných produktov, poistných zmlúv a poistných udalostí, klientských, partnerských a účtovných údajov. V posledných rokoch sa dostáva do popredia vývoj moderných webových aplikácií nadväzujúcich na systém INAS.
Úsek CBS, ktorý vznikol v roku 2006, sa zaoberá správou poistných zmlúv a likvidáciou poistných udalostí klientov rakúskeho poisťovacieho koncernu.
Number of employees
500-999 employees
ID: 4968380
Dátum zverejnenia: 26.11.2024
lokalita: Remote work Pozícia: IT Tester Spoločnosť: UNIQA Group Service Center Slovakia, spol. s r.o.
Základná zložka mzdy (brutto): 2 500 EUR/month