Finance associate

The Spot

Place of work
Námestie SNP 30, Bratislava
Contract type
full-time, trade licence
Wage (gross)

Information about the position

Job description, responsibilities and duties

- Preparing weekly and monthly analyses and reporting package that identifies what’s happening within your area of responsibility.
- Maintaining organized set of records and files documenting financial transactions (incoming invoices, accounts payable, internal booking entry, bank reconciliations, monthly client reports for billing purposes, employee salaries, travel reimbursement and internal report reconciliation).
- Working with the CFO’s team to ensure that budgets are kept, procedures followed, and all relevant information is received.
- Preparing ad-hoc reports for CFO, advising our employees on ad-hoc queries regarding salaries, policies, etc.
- Testing and implementing of new finance software.
- Establishing and improving the financial processes in a fast growing company.
- Helping the company save money.

Employee perks, benefits

- Flexible working time
- Free food & coffee
- Company events and teambuildings
- Informal and friendly working environment
- Fast growing IT company with many future career opportunities

Requirements for the employee

Candidates with education suit the position

University education (Bachelor's degree)
University education (Master's degree)

Language skills

English - Upper intermediate (B2)

Other knowledge

Microsoft Excel - Advanced

The position is suitable for a fresh graduate


Personality requirements and skills

Knowledge of accounting , knowledge of Slovak statutory accounting is a plus
Ability to learn fast, assume responsibility and keep yourself well organized.
Ability to work independently, with minimal oversight.
Proficiency in MS Office, especially in Excel.
Advanced knowledge of English language.
Finance experience in international environment is a plus.


Brief description of the company

O Vacuum Group

Sme tím zanietených podnikateľov ktorí veria, že nič nie je nemožné. Naším cieľom je posunúť ľudstvo vpred zlepšením prístupu ku kapitálu, spravodlivosti a k zdravotnej starostlivosti. Zisk považujeme za palivo na dosiahnutie sociálneho vplyvu. Sme odhodlaní využiť talent a zdroje na poháňanie inovačného ekosystému v strednej a východnej Európe aj mimo nej. Naším zakladajúcim členom a najväčšou portfóliovou spoločnosťou je fintech softvérový dom Vacuumlabs

Sme priekopníkmi špičkových riešení v oblasti fintech, legaltech, krypto, healthtech a ďalších, ktoré ešte len prídu. Naše portfólio tvoria rýchlo rastúce spoločnosti a naša komunita sa neustále rozširuje. Snažíme sa stať hlavnou gravitačnou silou pre top talenty v regióne strednej a východnej Európy a inšpirovať svojou prácou ďalšie spoločnosti.
ID: 2758553  Dátum zverejnenia: 10.10.2016  Základná zložka mzdy (brutto) a ďalšie odmeny: 1000-1500