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C# NET Software Engineer /Team Lead
Information about the position
Place of work: Remote work
Wage (gross): From 3 200 EUR/month(final monthly basic salary is based on candidate´s professional experience, skills and knowledge)*
Start date: according the agreement
Contract type: full-time
Job description, responsibilities and duties
• Development of websites and components for software platform (cloud)
Completing edits, updates, or changes to cloud
Development .NET web & Cloud applications
technologies: C#, TypeScript, ASP.NET Core, EF Core, JWT, Web API, REST, Cloud AWS, SQL DBA
Managing a team of 3 programmers
Other programming languages JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, React, Vue or similar experience
• Consulting clients during the process of solution design
• Development of functional specifications, development of CMS systems
• Implementation technical functionality of the company's websites
Completing edits, updates, or changes to cloud
Development .NET web & Cloud applications
technologies: C#, TypeScript, ASP.NET Core, EF Core, JWT, Web API, REST, Cloud AWS, SQL DBA
Managing a team of 3 programmers
Other programming languages JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, React, Vue or similar experience
• Consulting clients during the process of solution design
• Development of functional specifications, development of CMS systems
• Implementation technical functionality of the company's websites
Employee perks, benefits
- Company benefits,
- Opportunity to learn new technologies, skills, training
- Possibility to work on various international projects
- Opportunity to learn new technologies, skills, training
- Possibility to work on various international projects
Information about the selection process
If you are interested in our offer, send your CV in Slovak or English to anna.spasova@prohr.sk
* We are required by law to disclose basic wage component (minimum salary) for the advertised positions. Your actual final salary is based on your professional competencies, skills, qualifications and experience matching the position.
* We are required by law to disclose basic wage component (minimum salary) for the advertised positions. Your actual final salary is based on your professional competencies, skills, qualifications and experience matching the position.
Company on whose behalf the position is being filled
Information technology, computer programming, web portals
International company
International company
Requirements for the employee
Candidates with education suit the position
University education (Master's degree)
Language skills
English - Upper intermediate (B2) or Slovak - Upper intermediate (B2)
Experience in the position/sector
Number of years of experience
Personality requirements and skills
• University education (Master's degree) - technical, IT
• Language skills: English language - advanced
Managing a team - advanced
• Computer skills - programmer:
- experience with web development and web frameworks
- .NET Core
- C#
- Angular or React
- Docker
• Previous praxis in IT field
• Minimum number of years worked - 2
Experience with databases – Microsoft SQL Server
Experience with other programming languages welcomed (Java, PHP)
Understanding of Google Webmaster Tools Very good mobile experience and optimization for mobile devices
Excellent knowledge in Web Design (tools)
SEO optimization experience (local and organic)
• Language skills: English language - advanced
Managing a team - advanced
• Computer skills - programmer:
- experience with web development and web frameworks
- .NET Core
- C#
- Angular or React
- Docker
• Previous praxis in IT field
• Minimum number of years worked - 2
Experience with databases – Microsoft SQL Server
Experience with other programming languages welcomed (Java, PHP)
Understanding of Google Webmaster Tools Very good mobile experience and optimization for mobile devices
Excellent knowledge in Web Design (tools)
SEO optimization experience (local and organic)
Brief description of the company
Pro HR, s.r.o. je personálno-poradenská spoločnosť špecializujúca sa na oblasť služieb recruiting & selection, executive search a HR consulting. Svojim klientom poskytujeme individuálny prístup k riešeniu otázky zabezpečenia kvalifikovaných zamestnancov. Pro HR realizuje vyhľadávanie a výber kandidátov aktívnym a priamym spôsobom prostredníctvom služieb recruiting & selection a executive search.
Konzultanti spoločnosti permanentne mapujú trh, poznajú aký typ zamestnancov sa nachádza v spoločnostiach s podobným zameraním klienta, príp. konkrétne vhodné pozície s ich náplňou a zodpovednosťami v iných spoločnostiach. Na základe ich znalosti je možné priamo osloviť potenciálne vhodného kandidáta s požadovaným súborom znalostí a skúsenosti.
Spoločnosť Pro HR, s.r.o. sa v oblasti vyhladávania a výberu kandidátov špecializuje na cieľovú skupinu:
1. nižší, stredný, vyšší manažment
2. špecializované pozície – financie, predaj & marketing, logistika & nákup, procesy a kvalita, project management & stratégia + support, CRM
3. IT/telco technické pozície, Help Desk pozície (IT a telco špecialisti, programátori, analytici, SW architekti, projektoví manažéri, atď.)
The company is a holder of a licence to offer recruitment services.
Konzultanti spoločnosti permanentne mapujú trh, poznajú aký typ zamestnancov sa nachádza v spoločnostiach s podobným zameraním klienta, príp. konkrétne vhodné pozície s ich náplňou a zodpovednosťami v iných spoločnostiach. Na základe ich znalosti je možné priamo osloviť potenciálne vhodného kandidáta s požadovaným súborom znalostí a skúsenosti.
Spoločnosť Pro HR, s.r.o. sa v oblasti vyhladávania a výberu kandidátov špecializuje na cieľovú skupinu:
1. nižší, stredný, vyšší manažment
2. špecializované pozície – financie, predaj & marketing, logistika & nákup, procesy a kvalita, project management & stratégia + support, CRM
3. IT/telco technické pozície, Help Desk pozície (IT a telco špecialisti, programátori, analytici, SW architekti, projektoví manažéri, atď.)
The company is a holder of a licence to offer recruitment services.
Number of employees
10-19 employees

ID: 4977044
Dátum zverejnenia: 11.12.2024
lokalita: Remote work Pozícia: .NET Programmer, C# Programmer, Javascript Programmer, Programmer, Scrum Master Spoločnosť: Pro HR
Základná zložka mzdy (brutto): 3 200 EUR/month