Project Manager

MetLife Europe d.a.c., pobočka poisťovne z iného členského štátu

Place of work
Eurovea, Pribinova, Bratislava, Slovakia (Job with occasional home office)
Contract type
Start date
Wage (gross)
2 200 EUR/monthMetLife offers a competitive compensation package. Minimum gross base pay ranges from 2200€ depending on your professional and personal qualifications in the required areas.

Information about the position

Job description, responsibilities and duties

Join our dynamic regional team and take the lean in managing medium scale projects that drive innovation and success in the insurance industry.

You will oversee all aspects of project coordination, from managing the application portfolio to vendor relationships, ensuring seamless delivery of innovative solutions.

This role is perfect for someone who thrives on managing multiple priorities, engaging with stakeholders, and contributing to transformative initiatives.


Project Coordination & Management:

  • Produce and actively manage project plans, ensuring milestones are met
  • Coordinate resources, build task forces, and assign responsibilities across internal teams and external vendors
  • Facilitate project review meetings, document status, update plans, and resolve open issues

Stakeholder Collaboration:

  • Act as a communication bridge between project teams, customers, and key stakeholders
  • Build and maintain relationships with internal clients, vendors, and global teams to ensure project alignment
  • Manage expectations, mitigate risks, and resolve challenges swiftly

Agile Leadership:

  • Lead virtual and matrixed project teams using Agile/Scrum methodologies
  • Ensure projects stay within scope, budget, and timelines
  • Serve as a role model for project management best practices, driving excellence across the team

Portfolio Support:

  • Support Delivery management with portfolio prioritization, estimation, and resource scheduling
  • Identify opportunities for efficiency, streamline processes, and ensure alignment with business goals

Employee perks, benefits

• Working for an international company
• Wide package of benefits
• Flexible working hours
• Language education at the company
• Office in the center of Bratislava
• 3 days extra free per year (sick days)
• Provision of free life insurance and favorable conditions for family members
• Support for pension savings
• Life and work anniversaries
• Cafeteria benefits system

Requirements for the employee

Candidates with education suit the position

University education (Bachelor's degree)
University education (Master's degree)

Language skills

Slovak - Proficiency (C2) and English - Upper intermediate (B2)

Other knowledge

Microsoft Word - Advanced
Microsoft Excel - Advanced
Project Management Professional (PMP) - Skillful

Driving licence


Experience in the position/sector


Number of years of experience


Personality requirements and skills


  • Bachelor’s degree required
  • 3+ experience in project coordination or management
  • Proficient with project management concepts such as Scope, Communication, Financial and Risk Management practices
  • Proven ability to manage multiple projects and collaborate with diverse, cross-functional teams
  • Exceptional communication skills and a proactive, solutions-driven mindset
  • Effective organization of tasks, resources, and timelines to ensure smooth project execution and timely delivery
  • Ability to juggle competing priorities while maintaining high standards of quality and efficiency
  • Fluent English language


  • Knowledge and/or experience with technology concepts and Software Development Life Cycle methodologies (Agile, or SCRUM)
  • Experience working with Project Portfolio Management tools
  • Experience with managing offshore teams and/or vendors
  • Actively working on or already PMP / Prince certified (or equivalent)
  • Experience with JIRA, Confluence, Azure or similar tools
  • Ability to identify the added value for customer
  • Knowledge of the insurance sector


Brief description of the company

Poisťovňa MetLife, úspešne pôsobí na slovenskom poistnom trhu už od roku 1995. Poisťovňa ponúka široké spektrum produktov životného a úrazového poistenia a tradične sa prezentuje stabilnými hospodárskymi výsledkami. MetLife Inc. je globálnym lídrom v poskytovaní poistenia, dôchodkového zabezpečenia a poistných produktov pre zamestnancov. Svoje služby poskytuje 90 miliónom klientov vo viac ako 60 krajinách sveta a má vedúce postavenie v Japonsku, Latinskej Amerike, Ázii, Európe a na Strednom východe.

V MetLife podporujeme rovnaké príležitosti so zámerom prilákať, udržať a maximalizovať výkon rozmanitej a inkluzívnej pracovnej sily. Politikou spoločnosti MetLife je zabezpečiť rovnaké pracovné príležitosti bez diskriminácie alebo obťažovania na základe rasy, farby pleti, náboženstva, pohlavia (vrátane tehotenstva alebo s ním súvisiacich zdravotných problémov), sexuálnej orientácie, rodovej identity alebo prejavu, veku, zdravotného postihnutia, národnosti, manželského alebo civilného partnerstva, genetických informácii, občianstva alebo akejkoľvek inej charakteristiky podľa práva. Snažíme sa hľadať tých najlepších kandidátov na všetky pozície a rozmanitá škála uchádzačov rozšíri rad našich zamestnancov tak, aby sme to dosiahli.

Number of employees

150-199 employees


Contact person: Ivana Fedáková
E-mail: send CV
ID: 4965470  Dátum zverejnenia: 2.1.2025  Základná zložka mzdy (brutto): 2 200 EUR/month