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Optical Engineer - suitable for fresh graduates!
Information about the position
Job description, responsibilities and duties
- designing, developing, and validating optical components for vehicle illumination systems
- creating optical surfaces for lenses and reflector systems, also for interior lightguides, reading lights, ambient lights. This includes performing CAD simulations and ray tracing to ensure the designs meet specifications and regulatory requirements.
- conducting photometric testing to validate the performance of lighting components.
- estimating development resources and costs, creating project schedules, and tracking project objectives related to quality, cost, and timelines.
- cooperating with Designer Electrical to ensure designs meet all relevant automotive lighting regulations and standards.
Employee perks, benefits
- annual leave bonuses
- 13th - month pay
- attendance bonuses
- performance bonuses
Information about the selection process
We welcome also foreign candidates with B2 Slovak language level.
Company on whose behalf the position is being filled
Our client is specialist in automotive lighting interconnect solutions. Its products include lighting for the dashboard, headlight, external and internal, door panel, ceiling, glovebox, and others.
Requirements for the employee
Candidates with education suit the position
University education (Master's degree)
Postgraduate (Doctorate)
Educational Specialization
Language skills
Other knowledge
CATIA - Skillful
LucidShape - Skillful
The position is suitable for a fresh graduate
Personality requirements and skills
Brief description of the company
The company is a holder of a licence to offer recruitment services.
Number of employees
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i) moje osobné údaje budú spracúvané spoločnosťou ManpowerGroup Slovensko s.r.o., so sídlom Landererova 12, 811 09 Bratislava, Slovenská republika, IČO: 35958898, zapísaná v OR OS Bratislava I, oddiel: Sro, vložka číslo: 37879/B (ďalej len „Prevádzkovateľ“), v plnom súlade s nariadením GDPR a ostatnými platnými právnymi predpismi, a to spôsobom a v rozsahu uvedenom v dokumente “Oznámenie o ochrane osobných údajov”;
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Ako nás kontaktovať
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By responding to the job offer, in accordance with General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter "GDPR"), I declare that I have read and understood the content of the document "Personal Data Processing Notice", which is available at https://www.manpower.sk/ochrana-osobnych-udajov/?lang=en, and, I hereby acknowledge that:
i) my personal data will be processed by ManpowerGroup Slovensko sro, with its registered office at Landererova 12, 811 09 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, IČO: 35958898, registered in the Commercial Register of OS Bratislava I, section: Sro, file number: 37879 / B (hereinafter referred to as " the Data Controller “), In full compliance with the GDPR Regulation and other applicable legislation, in the manner and to the extent set out in the“ Personal Data Processing Notice”;
ii) if, as a data owner, I request more information about the processing of my personal data or I want to exercise my individual rights, I can contact the Data Controller either through the contact details provided in the "Personal Data Processing Notice" or through the online form "Submission of data subject request”
How to contact us
If you have any questions or comments about this "Privacy Notice" or wish to exercise your individual rights, you can contact us in writing either at the registered office of ManpowerGroup Slovensko sro, Landererova 12, 811 09 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, or via the online form. "Submission of data subject request", which can be found here.