Grow your career in Agricultural Sales
GoodWill Recruitment, s.r.o.
Place of work
Hungary (The job requires travelling)
Hungary (The job requires travelling)
Contract type
Start date
Upon agreement
Upon agreement
Wage (gross)
750 000 - 1 000 000 Ft/month
750 000 - 1 000 000 Ft/month
Information about the position
Job description, responsibilities and duties
We are seeking a motivated and dynamic Agricultural Sales Representative to actively seek new business opportunities and build lasting relationships with customers.
Key Responsibilities:
- Identify and approach potential clients through networking, cold calls, and referrals
- Develop and maintain successful business relationships with existing customers to facilitate repeat busines
- Actively represent the company and its offerings within the agricultural sector
- Negotiate sales agreements and prepare business proposals that align with customer needs
- Achieve sales targets through effective selling strategies and customer engagement
- Maintain accurate records of sales activities, customer interactions, and market insights
- Monitor market trends and changes in the agricultural industry to identify new sales opportunities
- The job position requires active travel
Company on whose behalf the position is being filled
Other unlisted areas
Producer of high-calcium products.
Producer of high-calcium products.
Requirements for the employee
Candidates with education suit the position
Secondary with school-leaving examination
Follow-up/Higher Professional Education
University education (Bachelor's degree)
University education (Master's degree)
Follow-up/Higher Professional Education
University education (Bachelor's degree)
University education (Master's degree)
Educational Specialization
Agriculture or Technical field
Language skills
Hungarian - Upper intermediate (B2) and English - Upper intermediate (B2)
Personality requirements and skills
- Proven experience in sales, preferably within agriculture or agribusiness
- Active knowledge of hungarian and english language
- Self-motivated with a results-driven approach
- Excellent communication, negotiation, and interpersonal skills
- Ability to work independently and as part of a team
- Proficient in Microsoft Office and CRM software
Brief description of the company
Sme GoodWill Recruitment - Vaši kariérni inovátori. Ak chcete zmenu a máte chuť napredovať, pozrieme sa s vami na to, aké možnosti máte vo svojom segmente a zistíme, akú výzvu vám vieme ponúknuť. Vyhľadávame špecialistov v oblasti výroby, vývoja, logistiky, elektrotechniky, informačných technológií, financií či ľudských zdrojov. Môžeme sľúbiť osobný prístup, férovosť a čestnosť. Sme Goodwill Recruitment - spájame správnych ľudí so správnymi firmami.
Vážime si váš prejavený záujem a ďakujeme za zaslanie životopisu. Kontaktovať budeme kandidátov, ktorí spĺňajú požiadavky na danú pozíciu.
Vážime si váš prejavený záujem a ďakujeme za zaslanie životopisu. Kontaktovať budeme kandidátov, ktorí spĺňajú požiadavky na danú pozíciu.
ID: 4994487
Dátum zverejnenia: 16.1.2025
lokalita: Hungary (The job requires travelling) Pozícia: Agricultural Engineer, Agronomist, Agricultural Technician, Agricultural Technologist, Sales Manager, Sales Representative Spoločnosť: GoodWill Recruitment, s.r.o.
Základná zložka mzdy (brutto): 750 000 Ft/month