Hungarian speaking job opportunities (Call Operator)

Teleperformance Hellas

A munkavégzés helye
Athens, Greece, Athén, Görögország
teljes munkaidő

Munkahelyi információk

Feladatkör, kompetenciák és felelősség

Our company is home to a big multicultural family of 8.200 employees from 91 nationalities in Athens! If you speak Hungarian and want to work in Greece, this is for you!
Microsoft & Volkswagen among other big brands trust Teleperformance Greece to offer excellent customer care & technical support services, as well as content moderation for Social Media. We offer complete training by certified instructors as well as many career development opportunities, so this is a unique chance to advance your career in Greece!

Fluency in Hungarian
Great communication skills
Good knowledge of English (B2+)
Technical knowledge & good computer use
Adaptability to a fast-paced work environment

Egyéb béren kívüli juttatások

14 salaries per year
Monthly productivity bonus
Friendly work environment
Greek language lessons
Public health insurance
Special HR team organising events, sport tournaments, parties & trips

A munkavállalóval kapcsolatos elvárások

A pozíció betöltésére alkalmas végzettséggel rendelkező pályázók

alapfokú végzettség

Beszélt nyelvek

Magyar nyelv - Mesterfok (C2) vagy Angol nyelv - Középszint (B2)

Hirdető cég

A cég rövid jellemzése


Meet Greece in the most wonderful time of the year and join our Company! Are you a fluent Czech, Slovak or Hungarian speaker looking for new opportunities? This is your chance not only to become a member of our big multicultural family but also to discover the beauties of Greece.

Some words about us:

Teleperformance Greece is a modern & multinational company based in Athens, employing over 8.200 people from all over the world, supporting more than 140 markets in 36 languages.

Az alkalmazottak száma

1000 és több alkalmazott
ID: 3850635  Megjelentetés dátuma: 22.5.2020