Можливість для людей з України

FrontEnd/React Developer (Medior)

Information about the position

  • Place of work: Remote work
  • Wage (gross): From 2 300 EUR/monthfinálna úroveň základnej zložky mzdy závisí od skúseností a znalostí kandidáta*
  • Contract type: full-time, trade licence

Job description, responsibilities and duties

- We are involved from the ideation of features, through the conceptual and planning phases to the implementation of the requirements.
- Our teams are experienced and are working with JavaScript,ES6, GraphQL, React/Redux to get great value to the customer.
- We are a team of experienced Software engineers, we love to exchange ideas and to improve as we go along.
- Possibility to work on interesting projects with great opportunities to implement your own ideas and solutions
- Implementation of new web applications from scratch
- Participating in the complete software development cycle from design and development to unit testing of the application
- Working agile
- Our attitude is open minded, and we are always keen to stand up and go an extra mile for the correct solution.
- We take pride in providing high quality software, but also shape and influence features of our product on all levels.
- We love our work and care for a good culture, we care for a healthy workload and try to keep a sustainable pace throughout all phases of the project.

Other benefits

- Good equipment and nice/very experienced colleagues.
- We care for ongoing personal development through conferences, trainings and regular internal experience exchange.

Company on whose behalf the position is being filled

Information technology, computer programming, web portals

International IT company.

Requirements for the employee

Required education

Secondary with school-leaving examination
Follow-up/Higher Professional Education
University education (Bachelor's degree)
University education (Master's degree)
Postgraduate (Doctorate)

Language skills

English - Upper intermediate (B2)

Other knowledge

JavaScript - Advanced
React Redux - Advanced
GIT - Advanced

Personality requirements and skills

- You should be able to identify with what we describe above, and be an experienced Software developer in React
- Must haves: Experience with JavaScript, ES6, React, Redux, git/github, Docker, JUnit testing, webservices, REST API, testing frameworks Jest/Mocha, GraphQL, elasticsearch
- A plus: Experience with the financial industry


Brief description of the company

Pro HR, s.r.o. je personálno-poradenská spoločnosť špecializujúca sa na oblasť služieb recruiting & selection, executive search a HR consulting. Svojim klientom poskytujeme individuálny prístup k riešeniu otázky zabezpečenia kvalifikovaných zamestnancov. Pro HR realizuje vyhľadávanie a výber kandidátov aktívnym a priamym spôsobom prostredníctvom služieb recruiting & selection a executive search.

Konzultanti spoločnosti permanentne mapujú trh, poznajú aký typ zamestnancov sa nachádza v spoločnostiach s podobným zameraním klienta, príp. konkrétne vhodné pozície s ich náplňou a zodpovednosťami v iných spoločnostiach. Na základe ich znalosti je možné priamo osloviť potenciálne vhodného kandidáta s požadovaným súborom znalostí a skúsenosti.

Spoločnosť Pro HR, s.r.o. sa v oblasti vyhladávania a výberu kandidátov špecializuje na cieľovú skupinu:
1. nižší, stredný, vyšší manažment
2. špecializované pozície – financie, predaj & marketing, logistika & nákup, procesy a kvalita, project management & stratégia + support, CRM
3. IT/telco technické pozície, Help Desk pozície (IT a telco špecialisti, programátori, analytici, SW architekti, projektoví manažéri, atď.)
The company is a holder of a licence to offer recruitment services. (AA/2009/4810/4232/OISS)

Main focus of the company's activities

Employment placement and personal consultancy

Number of employees

10-19 employees

Information about the selection process

* Podľa Zákona o službách zamestnanosti 5/2004 Z. z., § 62 ods. 2, sme povinní uvádzať sumu základnej zložky mzdy. Konečná výška Vašej skutočnej mzdy je odvodená od Vašich odborných skúseností, znalostí, zručností a toho ako zodpovedajú požiadavkám konkrétnej pozície.

Prosíme kandidátov, ktorí prejavili záujem o pracovnú pozíciu, aby poslali C.V. na E-mail: [email protected].


Contact person: Ing. Anna Tkáčová
Tel.: +421911247080
E-mail: send CV
ID: 3336819  Posting date: 11.2.2022  Basic salary component (gross): 2 300 EUR/month