Controlling Specialist Trucks & Bus

Mercedes-Benz Slovakia

Place of work
Einsteinova 33, Petržalka
Contract type
Start date
Wage (gross)
2 100 EUR/monthBasic salary will depend on seniority of the final candidate. Year-end bonus applies for the position.

Information about the position

Job description, responsibilities and duties

We are looking for an engaged and motivated colleague who is willing & able to take over the role as Controlling Specialist Trucks & Bus.

The right candidate should have gained first experiences and worked successfully in Controlling or Finance area of an international cooperation.

Purpose & Main Activities:

• Responsible for Sales Controlling of Truck/Bus business units
• Act as Business Partner to Sales and customer services team to ensure performance based steering and decision making
• Target settings and steering of KPI in close alignment with HQ and CFO (located in CZ)
• Analyze results and conduct Plan vs Actuals deviation analysis as well as forecasts, support business cases and scenarios
• Involve in monthly closing activities and planning processes
• Prepare Management reports
• Self – driven initiation for enhancement of methods, processes, systems
• Involvement in projects also in interaction with headquarter

Employee perks, benefits

Our company provides benefits most of which are connected with Mercedes-Benz passenger cars & vans that we import. We also provide extra holidays and days-off for various purposes.

Information about the selection process

We would like to thank all candidates for their expressed interest. However, we will contact candidates that fulfill the requirements mentioned hereof.

In case, you are interested in our position please send your CV to [email protected] and in the mail copy the following GDPR consent:

Ja [BUDE DOPLNENÉ MENO A PRIEZVISKO] odoslaním tohto e-mailu vrátane príloh (životopis a/alebo mo-tivačný list) týmto v súlade s článkom 6 ods. 1 písm. a) Nariadenia Európskeho parlamentu a Rady (EÚ) 2016/679 z 27. apríla 2016 o ochrane fyzických osôb pri spracúvaní osobných údajov a o voľnom pohybe takýchto údajov, ktorým sa zrušuje smernica 95/46/ES (všeobecné nariadenie o ochrane údajov) dobrovoľne dávam súhlas so spracúvaním mojich osobných údajov prevádzkovateľovi Mercedes-Benz Slovakia s.r.o., so sídlom na Einsteinova 33, 851 01 Bratislava, IČO: 35 780 754, zapísanej v Obchodnom registri Okresného súdu Bratislava I, Oddiel: Sro, Vložka č.: 21018/B (ďalej len ,,MBSK“) na účely hľadania práce iba v spoločnosti Mercedes-Benz Slovakia s.r.o., a to v rozsahu uvedenom v dokumentoch, ktoré zasielam. Tieto údaje môžu byť spracované výlučne pre účely nájdenia vhodného zamestnanca. Súhlas udeľujem MBSK na dobu jedného roka od jeho udelenia. Som si vedomý/-á toho, že mám právo požadovať od MBSK prístup k svojim osobným údajom, právo na opravu osobných údajov, právo na vymazanie osobných údajov, právo na obmedzenie spracúvania osobných údajov, právo na prenosnosť osobných údajov a právo podať sťažnosť dozornému orgánu; a že tieto práva, okrem posledného, môžem uplatniť formou listu doručeného MBSK na adresu jej sídla. Odvolaním súhlasu nie je dotknutá zákonnosť spracúvania prebiehajúceho na základe súhlasu až do jeho odvolania.

Som si vedomý/-á toho, že tento môj súhlas na spracúvanie osobných údajov môžem kedykoľvek odvolať, a to formou listu doručeného MBSK na adresu jej sídla alebo e-mailu zaslaného na adresu: [email protected].

Čestne vyhlasujem, že všetky mnou uvedené informácie a osobné údaje sú pravdivé a zaväzujem sa, že v prípade ich zmeny budem bez zbytočného odkladu o tom informovať MBSK.

Requirements for the employee

Candidates with education suit the position

University education (Master's degree)

Educational Specialization


Language skills

English - Upper intermediate (B2) and Slovak - Proficiency (C2)

Driving licence


Personality requirements and skills

• 2-3 years of experience as Controller in international corporation
• Advanced knowledge of financial accounting principles
• Self-driven and active problem solving
• High responsibility and ability to make decisions
• Structured and accurate working approach
• Very good communication skills
• Strong sense of integrity
• SAP and datawarehouse experience
• Good knowledge of MS Excel and Powerpoint
• English – level min B2, fluent Slovak
• Education: University degree in Finance


Brief description of the company

Mercedes-Benz Slovakia belongs to Mercedes-Benz Group and has been an exclusive importer of Mercedes-Benz passenger cars and vans on the Slovak market for many years. As a leader in the premium and luxury segment of vehicles with both conventional and fully electric drive, our main strategic goal is to maintain our leading positions on the Slovak automotive market, as well as to further introduce advanced products and services.

We offer a dynamic working environment with the possibility of personal growth through interesting projects and tasks, also in the wider CEE region.
Corporate culture and clear values are an integral part of our company, thanks to which we create a motivating environment for work.

Number of employees

50-99 employees


Contact person: Petra Michálková
Tel.: +421908460943
E-mail: send CV
ID: 3966503  Posting date: 19.7.2022  Basic salary component (gross): 2 100 EUR/month