Description of the company

LEAF is a non-profit organization with a mission to contribute to developing young people with the potential to grow into shapers of Slovakia demonstrating: Character (moral qualities based on integrity, respect for others, and humanness), Excellence (a holistic personality exceptional in one or two areas fueled by curiosity, inner motivation, and grit), Entrepreneurial Leadership (a drive for change with high aspirations, a risk taking mindset, and the ability to engage others), and Civic Engagement (unselfish willingness to use one’s qualities for improving his/her community beyond typical expectations), regardless of their socioeconomic backgrounds. In the aim to fulfill this mission, LEAF has launched a portfolio of programs focusing on I, Improving education experience of talented high school students (e.g. mentoring portal, leadership camps, scholarships, teacher mentoring); II, Mitigation of brain-drain (e.g. internships in Slovakia); and III, Development of talented young professionals (e.g. skill-based voluntary program). More information about LEAF can be found at