IT Leader

Embraco Slovakia s.r.o.

Place of work
Odorínska cesta 2, District Spišská Nová Ves
Contract type
Start date

Information about the position

Job description, responsibilities and duties

This position is responsible for: Managing the IT team and perform Spisska and Italy interface with Plants Business Units regarding IT processes and demands, ensuring that the services provided by his/her team are aligned with the Business Unit’s needs.Europe Plants IT Leader:Responsible for managing IT team, especially regarding Manage IT processes and key performance indicators from Business Units.Responsible for supporting the team to deliver:
CAPEX and OPEX management:
Support the control of expenses and IT investment, ensuring delivery of results in line to the annual plan. With periodic report to top management.
Understand customer requirements and business objectives
Provide strategic advice on using technology to achieve goals
Manage IT initiatives and collaborate with in-house technical staff
Design IT systems and networks ensuring the right architecture and functionality
Support new technology implementation
Train users in new and existing IT systems
Provide assistance with technical issues
Revise existing systems and suggest improvements
Produce reports
Institute protocols for the use of IT across departments and projects
Provide advice on the most suitable IT choices
Provide technical support or training for systems and networks
Act as link between end users and higher level support
Collaborate with other professionals to maintain standards and functionality
Provide support to IT performance:
Coordinate the implementation and maintenance of infrastructure management processes and telecommunications, such as incident management, access, versions, configurations, capacity, availability, service level and performance monitoring, to meet the levels of agreed services.
Monitor continuity, capacity and availability:
Manage capacity and availability of infrastructure and telecommunications services (data and voice networks, Internet, telecommunications, Data Center and others), to take steps to adjust what is necessary.
Prioritize management conflicts regarding resources and scheduling demands, ensuring full attendance of all functional areas needs
Monitor risks and security:
Analyze risks for infrastructure and telecommunications vulnerabilities. Propose and monitor the implementation of solutions to mitigate them.
Provide contract renewal, support IT vendors performance
Monitor the relationship and services of partners regarding communications and internet infrastructure (data center) and local area network, ensuring compliance with the agreed service levels.
Manage team responsible for providing IT services.
Also responsible for ensuring the alignment with IT corporate area and correct use of standards

Requirements for the employee

Candidates with education suit the position

University education (Bachelor's degree)
University education (Master's degree)
Postgraduate (Doctorate)

Language skills

English - Upper intermediate (B2)

Personality requirements and skills

To Be Business Oriented
Ability to manage large teams with multi-cultural characteristics
Ability to influence people and implement changes
Ability to listen
Adequate relationship among different levels of the company
Ability to manage conflicts
Experience with IT process
Negotiation skills
Focus in delivering results, processes and customer satisfaction


Brief description of the company

Embraco je nadnárodná spoločnosť s pôsobnosťou na štyroch kontinentoch. V oblasti chladenia je Embraco na svetovej špičke vo výrobe hermetických kompresorov. Materský závod má v Brazílii, kde bol založený v roku 1971. Výrobné závody sú situované v Brazílii, na Slovensku, v Taliansku, Číne a Mexiku. Obchodné jednotky sa nachádzajú v USA, Taliansku a Rusku. Závody dokážu každý rok vyrobiť 40 miliónov heremetických kompresorov a kondenzačných jednotiek pre domáce a komerčné chladenie a zamestnávajú približne 10 000 zamestnancov na celom svete.

Embraco Slovakia sa za viac 20 rokov pôsobenia na Slovensku stalo kľúčovým závodom v Európe a druhým najvýznamnejším v rámci svetovej korporácie Embraco. Embraco Slovakia je najväčším zamestnávateľom v regióne dolného Spiša. V slovenskom závode pracuje vyše 2 200 zamestnancov. V roku 2002 spoločnosť získala certifikát kvality ISO 9001, v roku 2004 certifikát pre životné prostredie ISO 14 001 a v roku 2007, ako prvá spoločnosť na Slovensku, bola certifikovaná na manažment nebezpečných látok QC 080 000. V roku 2008 spoločnosť získala certifikát pre systém manažérstva bezpečnosti a ochrany zdravia pri práci podľa štandardu OHSAS 18 001:2007. V roku 2010 získalo umiestnenie v prvej desiatke slovenských firiem v rámci štúdie Best Employer a zachováva si povesť zamestnávateľa s prepracovaným sociálnym programom. V roku 2013 získalo hlavnú cenu Via Bona Slovakia pre Zodpovednú veľkú firmu roka, v roku 2014 cenu Via Bona Slovakia v kategórii Dobrý partner komunity.

Number of employees

1000 and more employees
ID: 3204069  Posting date: 11.12.2017