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New Adventures For Product Marketing Specialist That Await On Thee

Place of work
Aupark Tower, 16th Floor, Einsteinova 24, Bratislava
Contract type
I. Dear Lady, Dear Sir,

It has come to pass that there lived the honorable knights of the free order of Product Marketing Team (PMT). They fought for their liege lord ESET - to clearly define and articulate product and service value proposition, and messaging. And they fought bravely and magnificently.

Proper positioning was always in their hearts, as were impeccably brilliant marketing strategies.

"Under-promise, over-deliver" were their words.

II. The Call

But alas! Perilous times have descended upon PMT - very few in number have they become!

“Alas! Our team is cool and we do love being Product Marketers dearly”, cried the team members by the names of Barbora and Tomas, “But too many a task lay upon our shoulders, we need help!”

“Alas!” cried Sir Juraj, the venerable Product Marketing Team lead, known as the Blade of the Morning. "Indeed, these are trying times for us, but let us not despair.”

“We turn to you, dear lady, dear sir – shall you one of us become?”

III. Behold, Dearest Reader, What Noble Quests Await Thee

  • Thou shalt create marketing strategies, and value propositions, target groups, positioning, sales tools, messaging and overall communication strategy define
  • Thou shalt constantly learn, research and implement information about market, trends, competition and buyer/user personas throughout the whole product life-cycle process execution
  • Thou shalt master Technical marketing - understanding of technical and technological side of the product and its translation to users' (buyers’) benefits, subsequently reflected in all marketing outputs
  • Thou shalt coordinate multiple teams to keep consistent communication throughout different channels and marketing outputs; thus ensuring content accuracy
  • Thou shalt stand for customer point of view during the whole product life-cycle – from development to post-release activities
  • Thou shalt help regional/local offices to set up proper offer and product mix to meet local specific demands
  • Thou shalt make sure all stakeholders are informed about upcoming releases in time
  • Thou shalt work with the Product Marketing Team to launch ESET products in line with the defined objectives of the company
  • Thou shalt collaborate with other members of the Product Marketing Team on projects as defined by the direct lead

IV. The Gallant Virtues and Traits for you to Possess

  • 24 moons of experience in marketing, ideally content or product marketing on an international level, marketing strategy
  • Sense of humor; understand and speak fluent sarcasm
  • Ability to exercise common sense and take decisions
  • Speak English tongue fluently
  • Experience with presenting before hordes of inquisitive listeners
  • Not giving up easily

Kontaktná osoba

Mgr. Martin Rafaj


Spoločnosť ESET je globálnym lídrom v oblasti digitálnej bezpečnosti a je jedným z najväčších dodávateľov bezpečnostných riešení v Európskej únii. Zároveň je najväčšou a najoceňovanejšou IT firmou na Slovensku.

Už viac ako 30 rokov vyvíjame popredný softvér a služby zamerané na IT bezpečnosť a ochranu podnikov, kritickej infraštruktúry a domácností z celého sveta

Okrem vytvárania bezpečnostných riešení pre zákazníkov je našim cieľom aj aktívne prispievať k inovatívnej a zodpovednej spoločnosti v oblasti vzdelávania, vedyvýskumu.

Sme hrdým signatárom a ambasádorom Charty diverzity. Veríme, že vytváranie ohľaduplného prostredia, v ktorom sa všetci naši zamestnanci, cítia vítaní, je správnym krokom.

Viac sa o nás dozviete na našej stránke.

ID: 2732069  Dátum zverejnenia: 25.11.2016