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Sales assistant - Budapešť

Place of work
Budapešť, Hungary
Contract type
Start date

Information about the position

Čo ťa na tejto pozícii čaká?, the biggest e-shop in Central Europe, has started to establish its presence in Hungary, Budapest.
It is your job as a Sales Assistant you have opportunity as a part of startup commercial team to be the cornerstone of the successful future of the best shop in Hungary.
Sales Assistant for our new Showroom in Budapest to help customers identify and purchase products they desire. Sales assistant duties include selling, restocking and merchandising. The goal is to provide high class customer service and to increase company’s growth and revenue through sales maximisation.
The job requires a high level of customer interaction, meaning sales assistants should have good customer facing and communication skills.

A sales assistant’s job description, including their routine daily duties:
  • Greeting customers who enter the shop.
  • Be involved in stock control and management.
  • Assisting customers to find the goods and products they are looking for.
  • Assisting customers to enter online orders.
  • Offering customers quality services to their satisfaction.
  • Being responsible for processing cash and card payments.
  • Stocking shelves with merchandise.
  • Answering queries from customers.
  • Giving advice and guidance on product selection to customers.
  • Balancing cash registers with receipts.
  • Dealing with customer refunds.
  • Keeping the store tidy and clean, this includes hovering and mopping.
  • Responsible dealing with customer complaints.
  • Working within established guidelines, particularly with brands.
  • Attaching price tags to merchandise on the shop floor.
  • Responsible for security within the store and being on the look out for shoplifters.
  • Receiving and storing the delivery of large amounts of stock.
  • Keeping up to date with special promotions and putting up displays.

Čo na to potrebuješ?

  • Having a friendly and engaging personality with positive mind.
  • Comfortable working with members of the public.
  • Should have a confident manner.
  • Must be helpful and polite.
  • Assistants should be physically fit as they will be on their feet for most of the day and may be required to lift large amounts of stock.
  • You should have a comprehensive understanding of your area of sales i.e. retail, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, sports equipment etc.
  • Team player, able to work as part of a sales team.
  • Knowledge of inventory techniques.
  • Should be of a smart appearance and articulate.


Niečo v skratke o nás: s. r. o. je slovenské zastúpenie najväčšieho českého internetového obchodu s počítačmi a elektronikou Sme firmou s viac ako 650 zamestnancami v SR a ČR, jasnou víziou a silným zázemím. Na Slovensku pôsobíme od roku 2004. Zákazníkom ponúkame špičkové ceny, tisícky položiek k dodaniu do druhého dňa, špičkový e-shop a osobný prístup nášho personálu. Veľký záujem zákazníkov a nárast obratu nás presvedčil, že na Slovensku máme popredné miesto. Sme jednotkou na slovenskom trhu, rovnako ako v Českej republike. Ponúkame Vám prácu v príjemnom a priateľskom kolektíve, ovládajúcom oblasť IT a v neposlednom rade zázemie silnej a stabilnej spoločnosti. Vieme oceniť osobný prístup k práci, nasadenie, skúsenosti a schopnosti. Ako člen nášho týmu budete mať možnosť realizovať svoje nápady a posúvať seba ako aj spoločnosť dopredu.

S kým sa na výberovom konaní stretneš?

Veronika Bezáková

Veronika je šéfka, akú by si určite chcel mať. Meetingy s ňou sa často začínajú povinným 30 - sekundovým úsmevom. No keď treba, vytiahne na teba tímové KPI, budget, obrat a percentá. Jej 4L každé ráno sú: Live, Love, Laugh, Learn.

Poslať životopis s.r.o.
Bratislava - Nové Mesto
Sliačska 1/D, 831 02
ID: 3134376  Dátum zverejnenia: 17.7.2017