Osobný šofér

Embassy of Ireland

Miesto práce
Slovensko, Maďarsko, Rakúsko (Práca vyžaduje cestovanie)
Druh pracovného pomeru
Termín nástupu
Mzdové podmienky (brutto)
16 EUR/hod.

Informácie o pracovnom mieste

Náplň práce, právomoci a zodpovednosti

Osobný šofér na aute vlastnenom organizáciou podľa vopred doručeného týždenného harmonogramu jázd, aj vo večerných hodinách, počas víkendov a štátnych sviatkov, starostlivosť o pojazdnosť, údržbu a vzhľad osobného vozidla organizácie, vedenie záznamov o jazdách, doplnení paliva a údržbe, mesačná fakturácia za vykonané jazdy. Predpokladaný priemerný počet hodín práce je 50 hodín mesačne, jednotlivé mesiace môžu mať rôzny počet hodín.

Informácie o výberovom konaní

Do 12:00, 20.01.2023 je potrebné zaslať emailom na [email protected] kompletnú ponuku s vašim cenovým návrhom. Očakávame cenové ponuky max. do 16 €/hod. Po tomto termíne budú prebiehať pohovory s vybranými záujemcami. Predpokladaný termín ukončenia výberového konania je 03.02.2023. Zmluva bude poskytnutá od 01.03.2023 do 29.02.2024 podľa spokojnosti organizácie, možné predĺženie max. na ďalšie 3 roky.

Email s ponukou musí byť jasne označený v predmete správy ako "Súťaž o poskytovanie služby osobného šoféra". Tiež musí obsahovať kontaktné údaje účastníka súťaže: meno, adresu, telefónne číslo a emailovú adresu kvôli možnej ďalšej komunikácii.

Záujemcovia budú zaradení do výberového konania až po zaslaní nasledujúcich dokumentov na uvedený email:
1. životopis,
2. motivačný list s popisom doterajšej relevantnej praxe osobného šoféra, s vyjadrením sa k požiadavkám organizácie a kritériám hodnotenia, ktoré sú uvedené v tomto inzeráte,
3. vaša cenová ponuka nepresahujúca 16€/hodinu,
4. kópia relevantného živnostenského listu,
5. kópia vodičského preukazu skupiny B,
6. aktuálny výpis z registra trestov.

Náklady na údržbu a čistenie vozidla, palivo, poistenie budú zodpovednosťou organizácie.

Kritériá hodnotenia na udelenie zmluvy sú:
- Skúsenosti osobného šoféra 40%,
- Flexibilita pri plnení pracovných požiadaviek Veľvyslanectva 20%,
- Znalosti slovenského a anglického jazyka 10%,
- Celková cena návrhu 30%.
- Vyplniť časť B uvedenú v anglickom jazyku nižšie.

Kompletné znenie podmienok súťaže v anglickom jazyku:

Request for Tender

Purchasing Authority: Embassy of Ireland, Bratislava
Contact Person: Margareta Bodnarova, [email protected]

Date of Request: 05/01/2023
Closing Date for Receipt of Tenders: DEADLINE FOR RETURN OF OFFERS BY EMAIL to [email protected] :
12pm CET on Friday, 20 January 2023.

Title of Tender: Driving Services for the Embassy of Ireland, Bratislava
Duration of Contract: Contract will run initially for 1 year from 01/03/2023 with the option of renewal for max. three (3) 12-month periods on a basis of a satisfactory assessment.

Description of Services Required

1. Background/Overview

The Embassy of Ireland in Bratislava requests tenders from suitably qualified professional drivers who hold a Živnost business licence.

Offers must be submitted in English and Slovak. This Specification is made in English and Slovak.

The cover e-mail will clearly identify that it is with regard to a “Competition for Driving Services” and shall clearly indicate a participant’s contact person, address, phone number and email for any potential communication.

2. Specification/Requirements

• The Embassy requires a driver to drive an Embassy owned vehicle, located at Mostová 2, 811 02 Bratislava;
• All services must be provided/carried out according to a weekly time-table agreed in advance. The selected contractor must work in close consultation with the Embassy’s administration section. Safe driving in accordance with Slovak driving regulations will be paramount. Performance will be subject to periodic reviews;
• The Embassy will be responsible for provision of the vehicle in which the driving services will be provided and for the cost of fuel, servicing and upkeep of the vehicle;
• Any issues with the vehicle should be reported to the Administration section promptly and the driver should seek agreement from the administration section in advance of committing to any expenditure on the vehicle. The Embassy may provide the driver with a fuel card to cover the cost of fuel;
• The Driver of the vehicle should have knowledge of car maintenance and will be responsible for ensuring that the vehicle is fully serviced and maintained and that the car is always maintained in a clean and presentable condition;
• The Driver of the vehicle will be required to keep a record of the distance driven, fuel used and servicing of the vehicle;
• The service provider must be in a position to provide replacement drivers to cover absences, including unforeseen absences at short notice, to ensure continuation of services.
• Correct and accurate monthly invoices should be submitted to the Embassy, giving a clear breakdown of the services provided;
• It is envisaged that the contract will run from 1 March 2023 until 29 February 2024, subject to satisfactory performance and the Embassy’s needs, and should be renewable for three (3) 12-month periods on the basis of a satisfactory assessment.

3. Selection Criteria

Tenderers will be required to demonstrate that they are capable of providing professional driving services to the Embassy. They must therefore provide evidence of:

• Živnost business licence
• Driving licence B
• Proof that the driver has no convictions
• Proof that any replacement driver, provided to cover absences, will meet the same criteria as set out above.

4. Award Criteria

Tenders will be evaluated initially to confirm that they are fully responsive and that they meet the selection criteria set out in Section 3 above. Qualifying tenders will then be evaluated in the light of the contract award criteria. The contract will be awarded to the most economically advantageous tender having regard to the following criteria, weighted as indicated:


Criteria 1: Experience (40%)
This criteria will be measured by the demonstrated previous experience providing driving services for clients of a similar nature and scale to the Embassy. (Details of at least two business references, that the Embassy reserves the right to contact, should be provided.)

Criteria 2: Demonstrated understanding and flexibility to meet the Embassy’s work requirements (20%)
The Tenderer must set out how the services will be provided to meet all requirements as described in Section 2 of this RFT.

Criteria 3: Language skills: Slovak – advanced, English- basic (10%)
The Embassy reserves the right to test language skills by way of a short interview.


Criteria 4: Cost per Hour (30%)
The financial proposal should set out the cost per hour for the services of a professional driver to drive the Embassy car according to an Embassy schedule of appointments provided each week for the following week. It is envisaged that an average of 50 hours will be required each month although there may be variations from month to month. All prices to be EXCLUSIVE OF VAT and apply until 29 February 2024.

Hourly Rate (ex-VAT) subject to an absolute maximum of €16 per hour: ...................................
Any additional charges arising (e.g. out-of-hours/ weekend/ bank holiday services): .............................

Prices will be reviewed at the end of Year 1. Any price increase will be based on existing market conditions at the time and must be agreed in advance with the Embassy.

Note: In the case of travel outside Bratislava requiring an overnight stay, in addition to the hourly rate, the Embassy will pay the accommodation cost for the driver (to be agreed with the Embassy in advance of the journey and not exceeding Government of Ireland limits in force at the time) and per diem payments as set out hereunder:

Location Overnight
Elsewhere outside Bratislava Receipted cost of 3 meals + €10

A minimum score of 50% of the available marks are required for the Technical Criteria 1,2 and 3 above. Failure to Score the minimum required marks will result in disqualification from the tender competition.

Evaluation on financial and quality criterion will be made by using the following formula:

Cost Score = Lowest Tendered Rate x Number of Marks Available / Tendered Rate under evaluation

Please complete Part B below.

To be completed by Contractor

Please complete Part B by providing a breakdown of:
1. Criteria 1: Experience (40% of marks)
2. Criteria 2: Demonstrated understanding and flexibility to meet the Embassy’s work requirements (20% of marks)
3. Criteria 3: Language skills (10% of marks)
4. Criteria 4: Cost per Hour (30 % of marks)
5. Additional information, as requested above

Company Name:
Contact Person:
Telephone Number:
Email Address:

Criteria 1: Experience
Criteria 2: Demonstrated understanding and flexibility to meet the Embassy’s work requirements
Criteria 3: Language skills
Criteria 4: Cost per Hour

Hourly Rate (excl. VAT) subject to an absolute maximum of €16 per hour:
Any additional charges arising (e.g. out-of-hours/ weekend/ bank holiday services):

5. Additional Information

Signature and Date

Požiadavky na zamestnanca

Pozícii vyhovujú uchádzači so vzdelaním

stredoškolské bez maturity
stredoškolské s maturitou
nadstavbové/vyššie odborné vzdelanie

Jazykové znalosti

Anglický jazyk - Mierne pokročilý (B1) a Slovenský jazyk - Pokročilý (C1)

Vodičský preukaz


Počet rokov praxe


Osobnostné predpoklady a zručnosti

Vodičský preukaz, min 5 rokov aktívny vodič,
bezúhonnosť - výpis z registra trestov,
znalosť bezpečnostných požiadaviek,
znalosť angličtiny na úrovni mierne pokročilý (bude overená jazykovým testom),
bydlisko v Bratislave výhodou,
reprezentatívne vystupovanie a oblečenie,
orientačné schopnosti a znalosť Bratislavy.

Inzerujúca spoločnosť

Stručná charakteristika spoločnosti

Administratívna organizácia

Počet zamestnancov

2 zamestnanci
ID: 2212914  Megjelentetés dátuma: 5.1.2023  Alapbér (bruttó): 16 EUR/hod.